Our out reach and alternative provision side is where our staff are able to assist, devise and support.
Pupils who have become massively disengaged in their current setting and or could be at risk of becoming excluded due to attendance.
We offer various programs to assist schools in bringing their pupils back into education.
Alternative provision is the name given to education that is granted to pupils who would not be able to access mainstream education.
There can be lots of reasons why children may be offered alternative provision:
They are at risk of permanent exclusion in school.
They have already been permanently excluded from school.
They have already been out of education for a prolonged period of time and need extra support and teaching to make sure they get access to an appropriate education.
They are pregnant at school-age.
They have medical issues that prevent them from attending school.
They are extremely anxious and/or vulnerable. This includes children who suffer from mental health issues, such as severe anxiety and depression.
They are refusing to attend school.
They are young carers.
They have recently moved into the area and are unable to secure a place in a school.
They are an asylum seeker or refugee.
They are waiting to be assessed for learning difficulties.
They have SEN.
What are the options for alternative provision?

Alternative provision has three main scenarios:
1. Your child has been permanently excluded and is waiting for the local authority to arrange a new school. The previous school doesn’t have any responsibility for your child anymore.
2. Your child has been offered a managed move to a different school. In this case, you’ll work with the school, school governors and either the local authority or academy trust to transfer your child to another school.
This is a voluntary move. It means the school won’t have a permanent exclusion on their records.
3. The alternative provision might also take the form of a referral. Your child will still stay registered at their current school, but they’ll receive some or even all of their formal schooling elsewhere, often at a unit.